Department of ICT
Pedagogical Faculty
University of Ostrava
Fráni Šrámka 3
709 00 Ostrava - Mariánské Hory
Czech Republic

ISSN 1805-3726

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Instructions for Authors and the Review Procedure

Instructions for Authors:

While preparing the paper, authors should strictly follow the Instructions for Authors. The general template can be downloaded here. Authors must respect all of the requirements presented in the template.

Maximum length of the paper is 15 pages, minimum length is 10 pages.

It is strictly required that the authors follow the APA (American Psychological Association) standard regarding the structure and use of bibliographic quotations within their papers.

In order for the article to be indexed in the DOAJ database, it is necessary to fill in the OPEN ACCESS LICENSE form and send it to

Review procedure:

All the papers submitted to the ICTE Journal are review in a double-blind peer-review process. General evaluation, comments and recommendations prepared by reviewers will be sent to the authors. Authors are expected to revise the paper with respect to the comments and recommendations of the reviewers. Revised papers should be then re-submitted together with a document describing all of the changes and/or responses to the both reviewers’ comments.


By submitting their papers, authors agree, that if the paper is accepted and published in the ICTE Journal, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, without written permission of the Publisher.

Publication Fee:

A 1,700 CZK / 65 EUR (excluding VAT) publication fee will be charged for all papers published from 2017 onwards. The VAT policy is subject to Czech law. Submitted papers are peer-reviewed free of charge. However, if a paper is accepted for publication by the editorial board, the author will be asked to pay the aforementioned publication fee. Moreover, payment instructions will be sent to the billing address provided by the author. After the fee has been paid, the paper will be published in one of the next issues of the journal.

If you need the payment invoice and/or the payment confirmation receipt, please contact the Economics Department at the Faculty of Education of the University of Ostrava:

Updated: 20. 11. 2017

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